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一人一故事劇場 - Playback Theatre

Playback Theatre is the theatre based on the spontaneous enactment of personal stories.


There is no “pre-set” scripts. Our playwrights are our audiences who share their personal stories and feelings to the audience and actors. With the guide of conductor (or event host), actors and musicians present the stories with the Playback Theatre systematized forms, “Play-IT-back” to the storyteller and the audiences.


Playback Theatre was developed by Jonathan Fox and Jo Salas and other members of the original Playback Theatre company in New York in 1975. It is very popular worldwide. Nowadays, there are numerous Playback Theatre groups in over 60 countries.

這種形式最早由Jonathan Fox,Jo Salas和初期的Playback Theatre成員一起在1975年創建。如今,超過60個國家有著不同形式的Playback劇團。 Playback劇場因為其特有的力量,包容力和感染力,受到了全世界的歡迎。


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